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S  E  R  V  I  C  E  S

C H I L D R E N  &  T E E N S

In today’s society, our young people are faced with many more life challenges than their parents or caregivers. Each stage of life involves difficulties and challenges. They are constantly in the process of growing and developing their social skills and emotional intelligence that is necessary to live a healthy, happy life.  When young people experience emotions or engage in behaviors that interfere with their happiness, academics, and ability to navigate and thrive, they may benefit from meeting with a therapist. Changes you may notice:


  • Frequently being irritable or angry

  • Extreme mood swings alternating from euphoria to dejection.

  • Feeling overwhelmed, scared, sad, worried or hopeless.

  • Sleeping all the time or having difficulty sleeping.

  • Change in weight or eating habits, such as eating all the time or not eating at all.

  • Change in appearance or personal hygiene.

  • Picking fights and/or arguing with family members, friends, teachers, or school authorities.

  • Having difficulty remembering, thinking, concentrating or learning.

  • Sudden drop in grades at school. Not turning in assignments. Loss of interest in school work.

  • Loss of interest in activities they enjoyed in the past. 

  • Isolating themselves. Staying in their room away from family. Stop seeing and/or hanging around friends.

  • Engaging in risky, unsafe behaviors or causing trouble at home, school or community.


Counseling is available for:

  • managing anxiety/worry issues, including social anxiety, test anxiety, generalized anxiety, and others

  • overcoming depressed feelings

  • learning to identify and verbalize emotions

  • feeling heard and understood

  • managing school issues

  • increasing self-esteem

  • improving decision-making skills

  • coping with change

  • gaining self-acceptance

  • ADHD challenges

  • improving frustration tolerance

  • thinking through real world consequences

  • finding healthy ways to establish independence and individuality

  • developing problem-solving skills

  • developing social skills

  • managing anger

  • learning to communicate effectively

  • finding ways to relate to parents

  • creating structure​

  • learning to communicate effectively

  • adjusting to parent separation/divorce​​


Christian Counseling is available for children and youth and is similar to that of adults. This type of therapy emphasizes the adolescent's faith in the healing process that is used in conjection with other therapeutic approaches. The option to include Christian Counseling in therapy is discussed during the first session.


I N D I V I D U A L  C O U N S E L I N G

We understand that everyone struggles from time to time.  Life can be challenging and demanding.  If you're tired of:


  • feeling overwhelmed

  • not having the relationships you want to have

  • not having self-confidence

  • feeling like you're being left behind

  • struggling with anxiety, depression or stress


We are here to help you.  No one knows more about you and your needs than yourself. That’s why you and the therapist will work together in the creation of your therapeutic goals that will help you to reach your desired outcomes. You get to decide which goals we address, and we will evaluate those goals periodically to ensure we're on track and your needs have not changed. Feedback is always welcomed about how we can best support you.


Counseling is available for:


  • stress management in your professional and/or social life

  • improving relationships including friendships

  • balancing work and personal life

  • limiting behaviors or beliefs that pop into our minds, such as 'I'm not good enough."

  • Managing anxiety/worry issues

  • difficult separations, breakups or divorce

  • finding purpose, value or meaning in life

  • life transitions (such as marriage, divorce, retirement, etc.)

  • ADHD challenges

  • overcoming depressed feelings

  • managing anger

  • caregiving of parents

  • grief and loss

  • trauma


Christian Counseling is available for adults.  This therapeutic approach can be applied in a variety of situations. Christian Counseling emphasizes your faith as part of healing while also utilizing best practices of psychology. The option to include Christian Counseling in therapy is discussed during the first session.​​



At times, parents need to take some time to "organize the house" as to review what is working and what is not working so well, discuss what can be improved and learn new tools to manage their family's life. Our approach to parenting focuses on the implementation of positive methods of discipline and on strengthening the connection between family members. Parenting approaches are completely individualized, tailored to the family's values and to the needs of both parents and children.


Love & Logic® group parenting workshops are offered periodically. 


© 2023 by Lifeworks Therapy & Telemental Health, LLC.

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​Call us: 706.366.9691

Fax: 888.649.5415


Hours: Monday - Thursday

             8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

2901 University Avenue, Suite 17

Columbus, GA  31907

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